
Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) or Social Communication Difficulties

The National Autistic Society has produced a range of resources for Autistic People and their families. This includes daily schedules, activities and social stories.


Advice for parent/carers about recognising signs of anxiety.

Click on the link below to find resources to support your child during their time at home.

This site is full of information for parents and coronavirus resources (visual aids, timetables, social stories).

This website has lots of information for parents. The link below takes you straight to the 'Kids Zone'. This page is designed especially for children.


Pyramid is committed to providing free resources to families to make time at home a little easier and to encourage learning opportunities. Click below to find out more.



At the bottom of the page you can download documents to help support and manage your child's behaviour.

You can also download resources to help with communication such as visual timetables, reward charts and social stories like the ones pictured below.