
Pupil Premium

What is Pupil Premium?

Pupil premium is an allocation of money to individual pupils who are considered to be at a disadvantage because of their home financial position or start in life. Children who receive Free School Meals now or in the past 6 years as well as ‘Looked After Children’ are allocated additional funding to ensure they make good academic progress and that their social needs are met whilst attending school.

How is the money spent?

Schools are required to identify areas where Pupil Premium funding will have most impact in raising attainment and also providing children with non-academic experiences which they may not otherwise have. Research from the Education Endowment Foundation (EEF) also helps schools decide on what gives best value for money.

At Bishop Lonsdale we use our own data analysis and evidence from the EEF to decide on priority areas. Please click on the links below to view the latest plan and impact of the previous one.