

PSHE (Personal Social and Health Education)

BBC Teach

The Growth Mindset and Wellbeing Lesson

Click on this link:

Read The Book of Hopes
A selection of short stories and poems

Read the book:  https://issuu.com/bloomsburypublishing/docs/thebookofhopes_interactivepdf

BBC Bitesize

A selection of videos and activities for different PSHE Topics

Click on this link and explore

KS2 https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/subjects/zqtnvcw

KS1 https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/subjects/zmpfb9q

Helping Others- Here are some ways of supporting our community and those in need.
Mindfulness Challenges

If you log onto the website link you can click on any of the challenges and the site will lead you to additional resources. https://www.elsa-support.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/Coronavirus-home-challenge.pdf
Discussing emotions

Watch the video and notice the character’s body language. How does this show you how he was feeling? What did he wish for most of all?
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Keeping Healthy Try these indoor activities to stay fit.


Stay healthy ideas including recipes for healthy meals