Children return to school on Monday 9th September 2024


At Bishop Lonsdale Church of England Primary School and Nursery, Mathematics is taught across the whole school from the very youngest children in our nursery to those in Year 6 following the aims of the National Curriculum. In EYFS, children build the foundations for Mathematics, through practical ‘hands on’ experience and opportunities both indoors and outdoors, focusing on Number and Shape, Space and Measure as they move towards their Early Learning Goals. In KS1 and KS2 children continually build on these foundations, as they progress through the National Curriculum. Our maths curriculum follows the 'Power Maths' scheme. It ensures that children progressively learn new knowledge and skills so that they develop fluency, mathematical reasoning and competence in solving increasingly sophisticated problems.

Maths Intent Statement

At Bishop Lonsdale School, we understand that mathematics is important for everyday life and therefore it is imperative that children have a firm understanding of the fundamentals of maths and are able to recall their learning and apply it to everyday situations and problem solving. To allow children to develop the skills we give them the opportunity to:

  • Increase their fluency across the maths curriculum, including varied fluency and frequent practise and key skills so that children can quickly and accurately recall known facts and develop understanding of key concepts.
  • Apply their understanding to reasoning, explaining their understanding, make generalisations, justifying their ideas and provide proof to back up their ideas.
  • Solve problems through the application of their skills including breaking down problems into multi-steps and systematically working through them.

We aim to ensure that all pupil:

  • Achieve their full potential with quality teaching and learning

• Develop a positive attitude towards Mathematics

• Become competent and confident in mathematical knowledge and skills

• Know number facts and have a good understanding of the number system

• Calculate accurately and effectively, by using a range of mental and written strategies

• Develop an ability to solve problems by reasoning and thinking logically and systematically

• Develop oracy and vocabulary skills in order to be able to communicate Mathematics with others using mathematical terms

• Become able to use and apply Mathematics across the curriculum and in everyday life

• Incorporate the use of ICT to support their Mathematics

Implementation Statement

How we teach maths

We follow the Power Maths White Rose scheme. There is a clearly structured teaching and learning process that helps teachers make certain that every child masters each maths concept securely and deeply. For each year group, the curriculum is broken down into core concepts, taught in units. A unit divides into smaller learning steps – lessons. Step by step, strong foundations of cumulative knowledge and understanding are built.

Power Up’s - Each lesson starts with a ’Power up’. This is a quick check on prerequisite skills and a warm-up for children.

Lessons content -Over a unit of work small step lessons are taught which take small steps and include checks for progress. The units of work deepen understanding and make connections with what children already know reinforcing learning in different contexts. Fluency, reasoning and problem solving are integrated into every lesson to ensure children are given the opportunity to apply their skills. There is also an opportunity for same-day intervention to take place.

End of unit assessment - At the end of each unit there is an end of unit check and there are also deepening and strengthening activities to support a range of learners.

 In EYFS, children build the foundations for mathematics through practical ‘hands-on’ experiences. They are given opportunities both indoors and outdoors, focusing on ‘number and shape’ and ‘space and measure’ as they move towards their Early Learning Goals.

Assessment - NTS tests are also used to assess children’s understanding. These are completed termly. Teacher assessment is used alongside the NTS tests.

Vocabulary Progression:

Using correct mathematical language is crucial for thinking, learning and communicating mathematically. We encourage children to explain what they are doing and why they are doing it. Staff model the use of mathematical vocabulary and children use this language within their everyday lessons. There is a whole school vocabulary progression document that identified the vocabulary to be taught and used within each year group. 

 Times Table Rock Stars

Times Table Rock stars is used to develop children’s fluency in mathematics. and to increase their speed and accuracy. Children from year 1 to year 6 are given their own username and password so that they are able to access TTRS from both school and home. This practise is fundamental to support children in become fluent in the recall of multiplication tables and division facts.

Impact Statement

What is the impact of our curriculum?

  • Children are happy learners who talk enthusiastically about their learning and eager to further their progress in maths 
  • The emphasis on accurate use of mathematical language is evident during class/pupil discussions 
  • Children are fluent in number and arithmetic
  • More consistent teaching practices that are well-known to be more effective for pupil progress long term, evident across school
  • Cross-school monitoring highlights the high level of challenge for all ability groups, evident throughout topics through reasoning and problem-solving activities  
  • Teacher assessment of the depth of learning is also increasingly accurate

These factors ensure that we are able to achieve high standards, with achievement at the end of KS1 and KS2 in-line with that of the national average.

Maths year group long term plans
School Values and the Maths Curriculum
Parent Guides
Oliver Year 3
"We do 'Times Table Rockstars' and it is fun! My favourite table is the 8 times table. I have learnt that you can double the 4 times table facts to work out the 8 times table facts. It is sometimes tricky but I really like challenges and to solve problems. We use equipment to help us learn too - base 10, 100 square, number lines. It is really fun!"
Dion Year 3
"Maths can be complicated but not for me! I learn a lot in maths. I like to figure out missing numbers and do the challenges in the Power Maths book. I know I need maths skills for when I get a job."
Amelia Year 4
"I like maths because we learn in a fun way doing activities. We learn lots of times table facts. We use computers to play fun times table games."
Sapphire Year 4
"In Times Table Rockstars you can move up levels to show how good you are.  There are class leader boards that you can look at. We do the reflect section in Power Math books to show what you have learned in the lesson."
Benjamin Year 6
"The teachers show you how to do calculations. It is fun because teachers turn maths in to fun games and activities."
Azaan Year 6
"We get to do lots of mathematical problems that we solve step by step. I like to give reasons and explanations. Power Maths is fun! It is important to me because it helps you to become smart in maths."
Tenilola Year 6
"We get to do Power Maths and this uses different models. For example the part whole model, bar models and number lines."
Have a look at these videos created by the children. They show you how to complete different calculations  using different strategies that the children use in school.