Children return to school on Monday 9th September 2024


At Bishop Lonsdale we aim to create a climate that supports flexible and creative responses to individual needs to ensure the successful inclusion of all.
What is SEND?

Special Educational Needs and Disabilities - A child is identified as having SEND if they require additional support, in one or more specific areas compared to the rest of the class.

At Bishop Lonsdale if a child is:

  • struggling to cope in the classroom or in different social situations in and out of school
  • is working one – two years below age related expectations
  • is making below expected progress in one or more specific area over two terms
Then we will talk to the child's parents/carers, observe and talk to the child, look at their needs in more detail and if needed put in place addition provisions for that child.

Who can I contact at school if I have concerns about my child’s development?

If you have concerns about your child then you can talk to your child's Class Teacher, Mrs Bladon (SENCo), Mr Hetherington (Executive Head teacher) or Miss Brownhall (Head of School).

If you wish to speak to Mrs Bladon please contact the school office and leave a message or send an email to:

If you have any questions about how you can support your child at home during this current crisis, please do not hesitate to contact Mrs Bladon on the above email.