

Here are some links to resources and fun activities all about Science topics!

Meet the Scientist:

Weekly activities featuring real life scientists, past and present!

Click on the linkhttps://pstt.org.uk/resources/curriculum-materials/Science-at-Work

STEM Learning:

Lots of ideas for science activities and projects for families to do at home.

Click on the link: https://www.stem.org.uk/home-learning/family-activities

Science Museum:

Explore some of the amazing objects and stories behind the most important scientific discoveries, inventions and scientists.

Click on the link: https://www.sciencemuseum.org.uk/objects-and-stories

Purple Mash:

Log in to Purple Mash and click on the Science button. There are lots of apps and activities there which cover a range of Science topics.

Click on the linkwww.purplemash.com/sch/bishop-de22

BBC Bitesize:

A great collection of videos, animations and activities for all the Science topics in each Key Stage.

Click on the links:

BBC Bitesize Science for Key Stage 1

BBC Bitesize Science for Key Stage 2

Solar System Scope:

Explore our solar system using this amazing simulator. Can also be downloaded as an app or desktop version.

Click on the link: www.solarsystemscope.com/

Twinkl Robotics:

Design and build a Mars rover and test it out on various challenges! Can also be downloaded as an app.

Click on the link: www.twinkl.com/robotics/competition

Learn by Design:

Have you ever wanted to help your child understand Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths (S.T.E.M.) better? This site gives you lots of experiments with explanations that you can try at home.

Click on the link: https://www.learnbydesign.co.uk/stemathome

Science Bob:

Loads of fun science experiments and engineering challenges, using materials you might have at home!

Click on the link: https://sciencebob.com/category/experiments/