Children return to school on Monday 9th September 2024


What we study in History by Year Group
Families and celebrations
The Past and Present in living memory
Year 1
Changes beyond living memory
Florence Nightingale
Comparing Victorian toys of the past with the present
Year 2
Rosa Parkes and Nelson Mandela
The Great Fire of London
Explorers - Christopher Columbus and Neil Armstrong
Year 3
Transport - Isambard Kingdom Brunel and George Stephenson
Guy Fawkes
The Georgians
The Stone Age
Year 4
The Romans
Ancient Egypt
Year 5
Ancient Greece
Anglo Saxons
Space Exploration
Year 6
The Mayan Civilisation
The Victorians
World War 2 (The Blitz)
History Websites:

BBC History Bitesize This website covers all periods of British and World History for Primary Schools and includes videos and ideas for activities.

History timelines and lots of facts for KS1 and 2

Information about Rosa Parkes, Nelson Mandela, Florence Nightingale, Christopher Columbus and Neil Armstrong for KS1

Relevant for Year 2

Information and Activities for World and British History for Year 3-6 (KS2)