Children return to school on Monday 9th September 2024

Design and Technology

On this page you will find ideas to be able to teach design and technology at home. Look at the links below and the downloadable activity ideas.

Making and Designing


Use building blocks, lego, or any construction toy to stack, balance and build. You could make a rocket, car, house, game etc.

Have a look at the downloadable projects below for more ideas of activities you can do.


Give your child a product brief and ask them to come up with a design. Could be design a new car that can go into space or design a handbag that can carry a cat. Try to be specific about what you might want as a customer.

Have a look at the downloadable projects below for more ideas of activities you can do.


Give your child a product brief and ask them to come up with a design. Could be design a bridge to go over the river trent or design a house, complete with floor plan! Try to be specific about what you might want as a customer.

Have a look at the downloadable projects below for more ideas of activities you can do.


10 healthy and easy recipes for kids to make:

Snacks for kids:

KS1 and KS2

Top 10 tips for cooking with kids:

Kids cooking recipes:

21 fun recipes to make at home: (please note these are American recipes so some of the ingredients and measurements can be substituted for what you have at home)

Jamie Oliver- Simple ideas to get kids cooking



Threading - Punch holes into card and ask your child to thread string or a shoes lace through the holes.

Make a sock puppet – find an old sock, attach eyes, nose, mouth and ears to make your very own character!

Weaving – find a cooling rack, ribbon or strips of old fabric. Tie the ribbon to one side and ask your child to weave the ribbon in and out along the rack. You can also make a paper version, click the download below.


KS1 sewing ideas

Debbie Shore – Learn to sew:

Sewing projects for kids:


KS2 sewing crafts:

Debbie Shore Learn to sew:

Making a hair scrunchie: (The girl in the video uses a sewing machine but you could use running stitch by hand if you don’t have access to a sewing machine)

Files to Download: