Children return to school on Monday 9th September 2024


Here are some great free resources for children to have fun with computing, e-safety and programming, including making games, animations, presentations or just tinkering!

BBC Own It:

This website has lots of great resources, videos, games and quizzes all about online safety and healthy living for children, young people and parents! There is also an app that can be downloaded.

Click on the link:

BBC Bitesize - Computer Science:

Info about all the main aspects of the Computing curriculum for Years 3 to 6:
Click on the link

Info about all the main aspects of the Computing curriculum for Years 1 to 2:
Click on the link:


Advice for children of all ages and parents about e-safety, including activities, games, links and information.
Click on the link:

Barefoot Computing:

Enjoyable activities all about Computing skills and concepts for families to do at home.
Click on the link:

Computer Science Unplugged:

Lots of ideas for activities to explore computer science and computing ideas - many of them designed to be done without even using a computer!

Click on the link


We use Scratch in school to teach programming in Key Stage 2. It is totally free to use and can be accessed online through the website above. Click on Create to start a new project or open one of the many projects already created by other users and tinker with it. You do not need to log in and you can download your projects as a file to save them and load them again later. If you do choose to sign in, you can share your creations on the Scratch page. Children must make sure they have adult permission before signing up to any websites.

Click on the

Hour of Code games:

Programming challenges based on children's favourite characters and games.
Click on the link:

Scratch Junior:

This is a version of Scratch aimed at children in Key Stage 1. You have to download the app onto a device - it is not accessible online. It is more user friendly for younger children!

Click on the link:

Purple Mash:

Log in to Purple Mash and click on the Computing button. There are lots of apps and activities there which cover a range of computing topics. Some recommended apps are:

  • 2Code - a series of programming challenges.
  • 2Type - play some fast-paced games to practise your keyboard typing skills - an important skill in today's world!
  • 2Go or Logo - learn to control a screen turtle and direct it around.
  • 2Simulate - solve real-world problems in simulated situations.

There are a number of online safety games, quizzes and activities to try out too!

Click on the link: