


Read throught the learning presentation on Pentecost to find out what it is and why it is an important Christian celebration. Remember to look at it in 'slide show' mode!

Click on the link to watch the Pentecost shadow play: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MtTjgmlUtps

Fruits of the spirit

Do you know what the fruits of the spirit are?

Click on the link to read about them, and see if you can identify all nine. Can you write them in a list?


Fruits of the spirit activity: Can you remember what the nine fruits of the spirit are? Look at the poster to check if you are right!

Can you think of any characters from books that had these 'fruits'? Who can you think of that had gentleness, or patience? For each 'fruit', try and think of one character that demonstrated they had this quality. They could be from a book or a film! Maybe you could draw and label your characters, stating what quality they have.


Holy Week: On the RE Quest website you can click on the links to find out more about Holy Week, the final week of Jesus’ life. Click on the link.


Easter story Sequencing: Can you put the Easter story in order? Open the printable document at the top of this page to print, cut up and sequence the story yourself - Suitable for Key Stage 1.

Crucifixion Exploration sheet: This sheet provides a variety of imaginative activities based around Good Friday. Open the document at the top of this page - Suitable for Key Stage two.

BBC My Life, My Religion - Short RE clips aimed at Key Stage 2

Try watching this clip https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p02mwwm9 and answer the question:

What is Holy Communion and why is it important to Christians?