Children return to school on Monday 9th September 2024


In October 2021 we had our first Spirituality day. It was very successful, with pupils enjoying a range of different but fun and meaningful activities throughout school.


Our day included:

* Considering what we are thankful for

* Having time to think and reflect on ourselves, and what’s important to us

* Listening to calming, reflective music

* Time spent looking at the natural world /God’s creations and experiencing the awe and wonder of these

* Considering what it might mean to be spiritual

* Finding out about the work of the charity Water Aid, who they help and why.


We understand that spirituality is a hard concept for children to understand. We aim to develop our pupils’ understanding of it by having a spirituality day at Bishop Lonsdale each half term.

There are many ways in which we feel we encourage spirituality in our pupils, as part of our daily school life:


Our Bishop Rules

Our rules encompass respect for others, honesty and treating others as you wish to be treated.


Extra-curricular activities

We provide a broad selection of extra-curricular activities and clubs, enabling children to experience new things and discover something which they may love and have a flair for.



We celebrate and reward academic achievements as well as sporting achievements during our whole-school worships. We encourage pupils to do their best and be proud of themselves, and each other.


Reflective areas

Our class reflective areas and our whole-school prayer space provide our pupils with a space for quiet time; either for their own thoughts or for God.



We provide many opportunities for our pupils to develop and display their creativity, not just through subjects such as Art and DT but through other subjects such as English, RE or History, where drama, role play and art also have a place.

Enrichment days such as Save the Wildlife day and Multi-Faith day have also provided children with the opportunity to produce work for art competitions.



Raising money for charities such as Children in Need, Water Aid and Save the children has helped our pupils understand the needs of others in their community and globally, and understand they that have some ability to help and make a difference. These charity events also provide an opportunity for children to develop a sense of gratitude, in considering what they themselves have.



Our whole school worships and class worships are an integral part of our school life, where we come together to learn about and reflect on core Christian values. Christian values are talked about through many areas of the curriculum, and throughout daily school-life.

See our section on Worship to find out which value we are focussing on this half term.