Children return to school on Monday 9th September 2024

The Local Offer - Background Information

Bishop Lonsdale Church of England Primary School and Nursery is a mainstream school and is part of the Derby Diocesan Academy Trust. We take pupils from age 3 – 11 and have approximately 250 pupils on role.

We are set in an inner city area. Our only access is off St Alban’s Road. We have a playground and playing field behind the school which is used regularly for PE lessons and at playtimes.

We have six classrooms, an Early Years Unit for Reception and Nursery, a library, a nurture room and a hall, which is used for both lunchtimes, Worship and PE. In the nurture room the school has a sensory area that is accessible by all.

Our school is all on one level and all doors are wide enough for wheelchairs (813 mm or 32 inches). All pathways are well maintained and accessible by all. We have one disabled toilet in school that has a handrail and a sink that is at wheelchair level. There are handrails to help assist and there is also room in the disabled toilet for a hoist and a changing bench if needed (reasonable adjustment).

At Bishop Lonsdale we support all children through transition. For those children who require additional support, we will visit the children in their previous setting prior to starting our school, organise additional visits to our school or their new school, arrange transition meetings and share relevant information with new schools.

Admissions for our school come through Derby City central admissions arrangements.

We are an inclusive school and will aim to make any reasonable adjustments in order to meet the needs of all the children in our school community. Our school believes in; enabling everyone to reach their full potential, developing a love for learning and a desire to achieve, encouraging everyone to become independent and confident, with a belief in themselves, promoting Christian values and respecting diversity - Becoming Independent Successful Honest Open Minded People.

In all lessons we differentiate teaching and learning tasks to suit the needs of all learners. All extracurricular activities are adapted to meet the needs of all the children who wish to attend them. We work closely with outside agencies: Local Authority Specialist Teachers from STePS where a child has a specific need such as a Hearing Impairment, Visual Impairment or Autism, Educational Psychologists, Speech and Language therapists, Community Paediatricians, Physiotherapists, Occupational Therapists, CAMHs and all health services when their advice is needed and with parental permission.

Children are identified, as having Special Educational Needs if their progress has slowed or stopped and the interventions and resources put in place do not enable improvement. Once this occurs, with parental permission, the child is listed on our ‘SEND register’. Then through the graduated response targets are written and reviewed termly and discussed and shared with parents.

Our school Inclusion Manager has been awarded the National SENCO Award and coordinates support for children with additional needs in school. Our school also has a designated Speech and Language Teaching Assistant and a designated Autism Champion who completed her training in September 2016.

You can find full details of how we support children with additional needs in our School SEND Information Report, SEND Policy and Accessibility plan.