Children return to school on Monday 9th September 2024

Physical Education

At Bishop Lonsdale Church of England Primary School and Nursery we aim to provide a broad and balanced PE curriculum which can be accessed and enjoyed by all. Teachers also provide opportunities for children to be active in all the other subjects including Maths and English.

In Early Years Foundation Stage, in addition to physical skills developed in outdoor continuous provision, children have an hour’s focused PE lesson which includes learning how to get changed and keeping safe. The remainder of the lesson has a focus of games skills, gymnastics or dance.

In KS1, the skills are further developed and put into practice in the form of team games. Children are encouraged to be creative and work with partners or in small groups in dance and gymnastics.

Throughout KS2, the children will undertake games which are sports specific including: invasion games (for example, football, netball, hockey and tag-rugby); striking and fielding games (rounders and kwik-cricket) and net/wall games (tennis and table tennis). Gymnastics and dance continue to be taught with the addition of athletics at the end of the year.

All children have swimming lessons in Y4 and aim to be able to swim 25m by the time they finish primary school.

The curriculum is further enhanced by additional sporting and physical activity opportunities such as rock climbing and abseiling in Y5. In Y6, children are giving the opportunity to experience a greater range of outdoor and adventurous activities on the residential visit.

A number of sporting and physical activity extra-curricular clubs are run by staff and outside agencies specialising in coaching.

For information on how the School Sports Fund is spent and its impact, please follow the link on this website.

Sarah Brownhall and Carole O’Rafferty

PE Subject Leaders