Children return to school on Monday 9th September 2024

Essential Documents

The downloadable documents at the bottom of the page provide detailed information about weekly homework and remote learning during school closures or isolations due to COVID.

Weekly Homework
Key Stage 2: Spellings and Maths including times tables. Daily Reading. A piece of homework to support Literacy, Maths or Topic.
Key Stage 1: Spellings and Maths including times tables. Daily Reading.
EYFS: Daily reading supported by high frequency word bookmarks. If applicable a reading challenge book may be given.
Remote Learning
There is an expectation that children will work daily (Monday to Friday) whilst at home for the following hours:

Key Stage 2: 4 hours

Key Stage 1: 3 hours

EYFS: Although there is no recommended time for EYFS children, we would suggest Nursery and Reception children doing a minimum 1/2 hours and a maximum of 3 hours.
Children should not work at home if they are ill.
Files to Download