Children return to school on Monday 9th September 2024

Fine Motor Skills

Fine motor skills involve using the smaller muscles in the hands. These muscles help to hold a pencil, use scissors, tie shoe laces and construct with Lego to name just a few.

Below are activities that can help help to develop your child's fine motor skills whilst working at home.
In the downloads you can also find printable documents for cutting and pencil control. If you don't have a printer, contact your class teacher using their home learning e-mail address.
1/ Play finger football – get a small ball of paper and make two goals at the end of the table.  You can move the ball by dribbling (pushing with your finger) and you can score by flicking the ball with your finger.





2/ Clip pegs around a paper plate. Practise taking them on and off.

3/ Using a pincer grip (first finger and thumb) or use tweezers, transfer small objects from one container to another. The smaller the object, the harder it is to do.
4/ Thread beads, buttons or pasta onto wool, string or pipecleaners. 
5/ Use playdough for these hand exercises. Squeeze it, pinch it, flatten it, roll it into a ball between the hands, roll it into a small ball with just the finger tips, slice it with a plastic knife, cut it with scissors, roll it into a log, squish it and poke it!