
Wellbeing Ambassadors

Wellbeing Ambassadors

We have four Wellbeing Ambassadors in school. Two children from Year 5 and two children from Year 6.

These children will keep the role for two years and are nominated by their class teachers.


Criteria for Wellbeing Ambassadors:

The children:

- have a caring nature

- are empathetic

- are good listeners

- are trustworthy

Roles and Responsibilities: 

- To deliver a Worship to introduce themselves to the children
- To help children who are upset, worried or lonely
- To listen carefully to the children
- To take the children to the Emotions Area or Sensory Room if they are looking upset, worried or lonely, talk to them and help them write a worry monster if needed
- To treat all children respectfully and never share what they say with other children
- To always tell an adult if a child is upset or worried about something

The Wellbeing Ambassadors have a weekly meeting with Mrs Bladon to ask questions and talk about how they have used the area.

Each week they look at different emotions and think about how they can help children who are feeling these emotions.

Through the Wellbeing Ambassadors we are hoping to empower all children to:

- help each other
- recognise different emotions
- build resilience
- become empathetic and valued members of the community.